AT&T Webmail

AT&T Webmail

AT&T Webmail is an email program that is available in English and Spanish. It is available at You can also access it through, which will allow you to customize it. Add your town to get news, weather, and other features alongside your light-on-spam email.

What Is AT&T Webmail?

AT&T Webmail is an email program powered by Yahoo. On the site, one place where you can sign into your account, you'll be greeted by a handy interface featuring local and national news stories, local weather, sports scores, shopping information, games, chat, and more. Anything you need to know or be distracted (in a good way, of course!) is right there when you get ready to check your mail. You may remember to check movie times when you would have otherwise forgotten. If you are familiar with the Yahoo Mail page, you'll feel right at home on the AT&T Webmail page. The layout is a bit different and the background is the predictable AT&T orange.

Logging In

One thing that makes signing into AT&T Webmail different from signing into other email accounts is that it is necessary to choose your domain. You type in your username and password, and then you choose from:


That is an extra step to logging in, but as with most mail programs, you will be able to choose a "Remember Me" option and skip it. You may periodically be required to log back in for security reasons.


You want your email to be secure. AT&T requires a password for login and uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) which keeps your information even safer. In addition, AT&T works to preserve that safety by utilizing SpamGuard, phishing message detection, virus scanning, HTML image blocking, and DomainKeys. Just make sure you always sign out of your account and close the window if you use a public computer.

The General How-tos

AT&T Webmail seems to be very user friendly. To compose a message, simply select the "Compose" button on the upper-left corner of the screen. Choose "Rich Text" to type in a different color, font, or size. You can even type the whole message and then change the look of it when you're done. Want to spell-check before you send? Look in the toolbox for the "Check Spelling" button. In that same toolbar, you can click the "Attach" button to attach a picture or document before you send it. Then click "Send" and it's on its way to the recipient.

If your AT&T Webmail account is new, you can send out an announcement to all of your friends, family, and co-workers. Once you're logged in, choose "Options" and then "Management." From there, you can choose "Announce Email Address" at the bottom. Type in what you want the recipients to see in your email. The message will also include a message stating, "You can now email me at" followed by your new address.

Top Features

Some of the things AT&T Webmail boasts include:

  • POP Access: Check your outside accounts all in the same place.
  • SpamGuard Plus: Get less spam and check for viruses.
  • AddressGuard: The ability to create alternative email addresses to avoid spam when buying items online. You still get the receipts, but if you start getting spam there later, you can simply delete that address and keep your "real" address spam-free.
  • Stationery: Patterns and colors to shake things up within your emails' backgrounds
  • Archiving: Put aside some of the older emails you have, need to keep, but don't need anytime soon.
  • Forwarding: You can send your incoming mail to another address.

What Others Have to Say

Some AT&T Webmail users report much less spam than they're used to, and even the spam they get is set aside as something that is potentially spam but worth a look.

A Final Word

AT&T Webmail is a secure, user-friendly way to send and receive email. If you have more questions about how to use it, visit AT&T's Help site.

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AT&T Webmail